Thursday, April 17, 2008

Say, Do You Like Your Face or What?

I don't mean to be getting all Albrecht Durer on you, but my tendency to sketch self-portraits is a leftover habit from art class drills. Don't know what to draw? Well, do you got a mirror? I like drawing people, portraits especially, plus I'm always around when I need me. Ha! I kill myself. In any case, it's safe to say that until Chris leaves his office door open so I can sketch him or until I tote my laptop for work out to libraries, bookstores, and coffee joints, there will be a load of Mary portraits.


Yeah, the Mare Bear needs to do some toting.

1 comment:

Marcelo Braga said...

Hello, Mary!

I use all kinds of things to highlight the sketches with white. In this case, the picture you asked, I used the Photoshop! I recently got a white pen, it's working nice as well!

Thanks for dropping by! :)
